Scrum Product Goal Template

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Product Goal:
The new Player Around

How to write a proper Product Goal? 

Are there any good practices, any structure? 

How is it different from the Product Vision?

The Scrum Guide 2020 introduced the Product Goal as a new element to the Framework – defined by the authors as the Product Backlog’s Commitment.

The Product Goal describes the goal and purpose of the next most important piece of product, which we aim to deliver in the nearest future. It’s our Product Backlog’s focus and commitment for the next several sprints.

As a new concept certain confusions appear and the practical examples are still few.

So we decided to provide a template that you might find useful. It’s a basic structure that you can use right away, adapt, and make applicable to your own context. This is the template we use at AgilePool.

Just leave us your email address and we will send you the template right away!

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