
We would love to see you there!

agile cambridge poster

Agile Cambridge
My Agile Failures​

26-28 September 2018

10 Agile Steps for Technical Excellence and Build-in Quality​

24 October 2019

Scrum - Kanban Practitioner Certification Course​​

28-29 September 2019

Practical Neuroscience in an Agile Environment

September 18-19, 2022

Practical workshop designed for true Agile Leaders to help them develop skills and knowledge.

ALL #2:
Prioritization Techniques - Free Interactive Workshop

29 September 2021​

Agile Tour London Microservice Agility poster

Agile Tour London
Microservice Agility

19 October 2018

3rd Agile Serbia Conference 2018 - Agile Outside IT: Now is the time for it, but how can we actually do it?

3rd Agile Serbia Conference 2018
Agile Outside IT: Now is the time for it, but how can we actually do it?

27 April 2018

Scrum Master Practitioner january_poster

Scrum Master Practitioner Certification Course

26-27 January 2019​

10 Practical steps for Agile transformation

10 Practical steps for Agile Transformation

08 January 2019

scrum day london agile is not enough poster

Scrum Day London: Agile is not enough

10 May 2019

Product Owner Practitioner April poster

Product Owner Practitioner Certification Course

13-14 April 2019


Scrum Master Practitioner Certification Course

08-09 June 2019​

Product Owner: Myths and Facts you need to know

Product Owner: Myths and Facts you need to know

03 June 2019

Agile Coaching Workshop #6 - Technical Mastery

13 November 2019

Agile in The City Bristol Agile failures and some successes poster

Agile in The City Bristol
Agile failures and some successes

06-08 November 2019

10 steps to convince your boss agility is worth it Poster

10 steps to convince your boss agility is worth it

27 February 2020

Agile Transformations. Stories of success and failure

Agile Transformations. Stories of success and failure

02 December 2019

Webinar OKRs: The Seret Superpower of The High-Performing Teams

OKRs: The Secret Superpower of The High-Performing Teams

01 June2020

Scrum - Kanban Practitioner Online Certification Course​

12 May 2020

Scrum - Kanban Practitioner Online Certification Course

04 - 13 August 2020

Scrum-Kanban Practitioner December Poster

Scrum - Kanban Practitioner Online Certification Course

01 - 10 December 2020

Case Study: Business Agility & The Fight Against Cancer​

1 December 2021​

Webinar: Brain Science-Driven Leadership

1 November 2021​

Online Scrum Master Summit

Winning Minds: 10 Strategies for Overcoming Resistance and Promoting Agile

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Innovation for Non-innovative Companies: Secrets of Unlocking the Full Potential


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